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Structure.php 100644 19.86kB
StructureHelper.php 100644 11.41kB
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# Windwalker Structure Windwalker Structure is a storage of nested array or object, help us manage multi-level structures data. ## Installation via Composer Add this to the require block in your `composer.json`. ``` json { "require": { "windwalker/structure": "~3.0" } } ``` ## Supported Formats - JSON - PHP file (return array or class) - JSON - [HJSON](https://hjson.org/) - YAML - [TOML](https://github.com/toml-lang/toml) - XML - INI ## Getting Started ``` php use Windwalker\Structure\Structure; $structure = new Structure; // Set a value in the structure. $structure->set('foo', 'bar'); // Get a value from the structure; $value = $structure->get('foo'); ``` ## Load config by Structure ``` php use Windwalker\Structure\Structure; $structure = new Structure; // Load by string $structure->loadString('{"foo" : "bar"}'); $structure->loadString('<root></root>', 'xml'); // Load by object or array $structure->load($object); // Load by file $structure->loadFile($root . '/config/config.json', 'json'); ``` ## Accessing a Structure by getter & setter ### Get value ``` php $structure->get('foo'); // Get a non-exists value and return default $structure->get('foo', 'default'); // OR $structure->get('foo') ?: 'default'; ``` ### Set value ``` php // Set value $structure->set('bar', $value); // Sets a default value if not already assigned. $structure->def('bar', $default); ``` ### Accessing children value by path ``` php $json = '{ "parent" : { "child" : "Foo" } }'; $structure = new Structure($json); $structure->get('parent.child'); // return 'Foo' $structure->set('parent.child', $value); ``` ### Append & Prepend Support `push / pop / shift / unshift` methods. ``` php $structure->set('foo.bar', array('fisrt', 'second')); $structure->push('foo.bar', 'third'); $structure->get('foo.bar'); // Result: Array(first, second, third) ``` ### Use other separator ``` php $structure->setSeparator('/'); $data = $structure->get('foo/bar'); ``` ## Accessing a Structure as an Array The `Structure` class implements `ArrayAccess` so the properties of the structure can be accessed as an array. Consider the following examples: ``` php // Set a value in the structure. $structure['foo'] = 'bar'; // Get a value from the structure; $value = $structure['foo']; // Check if a key in the structure is set. if (isset($structure['foo'])) { echo 'Say bar.'; } ``` ## Merge Structure #### Using load* methods to merge two config files. ``` php $json1 = '{ "field" : { "keyA" : "valueA", "keyB" : "valueB" } }'; $json2 = '{ "field" : { "keyB" : "a new valueB" } }'; $structure->loadString($json1); $structure->loadString($json2); ``` Output ``` Array( field => Array( keyA => valueA keyB => a new valueB ) ) ``` #### Merge Another Structure ``` php $object1 = '{ "foo" : "foo value", "bar" : { "bar1" : "bar value 1", "bar2" : "bar value 2" } }'; $object2 = '{ "foo" : "foo value", "bar" : { "bar2" : "new bar value 2" } }'; $structure1 = new Structure(json_decode($object1)); $structure2 = new Structure(json_decode($object2)); $structure1->merge($structure2); ``` If you just want to merge first level, do not hope recursive: ``` php $structure1->merge($structure2, false); // Set param 2 to false that Structure will only merge first level ``` Merge to a child node: ``` php $structure->mergeTo('foo.bar', $anotherStructure); ``` ## Dump to file. ``` php $structure->toString(); $structure->toString('xml'); $structure->toString('ini'); ``` ## Dump to one dimension ``` php $array = array( 'flower' => array( 'sunflower' => 'light', 'sakura' => 'samurai' ) ); $structure = new Structure($array); // Make data to one dimension $flatted = $structure->flatten(); print_r($flatted); ``` The result: ``` Array ( [flower.sunflower] => light [flower.sakura] => samurai ) ``` ## Using YAML Add Symfony YAML component in `composer.json` ``` json { "require-dev": { "symfony/yaml": "~3.0" } } ``` Using `yaml` format ``` php $structure->loadFile($yamlFile, 'yaml'); $structure->loadString('foo: bar', 'yaml'); // Convert to string $structure->toString('yaml'); ``` ## StructureHelper ``` php use Windwalker\Structure\StructureHelper; StructureHelper::loadFaile($file, $format); // File to array StructureHelper::loadString($string, $format); // String to array StructureHelper::toString($array, $format); // Array to string // Use format class $json = StructureHelper::getFormatClass('json'); // Get JsonFormat $string = $json::structToString($array); ```