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$method(...$parameters); } $dateClass = static::$dateClass ?: $defaultClassName; // Check if date can be created using public class method... if (method_exists($dateClass, $method) || method_exists($dateClass, 'hasMacro') && $dateClass::hasMacro($method)) { return $dateClass::$method(...$parameters); } // If that fails, create the date with the default class.. $date = $defaultClassName::$method(...$parameters); // If the configured class has an "instance" method, we'll try to pass our date into there... if (method_exists($dateClass, 'instance')) { return $dateClass::instance($date); } // Otherwise, assume the configured class has a DateTime compatible constructor... return new $dateClass($date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s.u'), $date->getTimezone()); } }