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* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Finder; /** * Gitignore matches against text. * * @author Ahmed Abdou */ class Gitignore { /** * Returns a regexp which is the equivalent of the gitignore pattern. * * @param string $gitignoreFileContent * * @return string The regexp */ public static function toRegex(string $gitignoreFileContent): string { $gitignoreFileContent = preg_replace('/^[^\\\\]*#.*/', '', $gitignoreFileContent); $gitignoreLines = preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $gitignoreFileContent); $gitignoreLines = array_map('trim', $gitignoreLines); $gitignoreLines = array_filter($gitignoreLines); $ignoreLinesPositive = array_filter($gitignoreLines, function (string $line) { return !preg_match('/^!/', $line); }); $ignoreLinesNegative = array_filter($gitignoreLines, function (string $line) { return preg_match('/^!/', $line); }); $ignoreLinesNegative = array_map(function (string $line) { return preg_replace('/^!(.*)/', '${1}', $line); }, $ignoreLinesNegative); $ignoreLinesNegative = array_map([__CLASS__, 'getRegexFromGitignore'], $ignoreLinesNegative); $ignoreLinesPositive = array_map([__CLASS__, 'getRegexFromGitignore'], $ignoreLinesPositive); if (empty($ignoreLinesPositive)) { return '/^$/'; } if (empty($ignoreLinesNegative)) { return sprintf('/%s/', implode('|', $ignoreLinesPositive)); } return sprintf('/(?=^(?:(?!(%s)).)*$)(%s)/', implode('|', $ignoreLinesNegative), implode('|', $ignoreLinesPositive)); } private static function getRegexFromGitignore(string $gitignorePattern): string { $regex = '('; if (0 === strpos($gitignorePattern, '/')) { $gitignorePattern = substr($gitignorePattern, 1); $regex .= '^'; } else { $regex .= '(^|\/)'; } if ('/' === $gitignorePattern[\strlen($gitignorePattern) - 1]) { $gitignorePattern = substr($gitignorePattern, 0, -1); } $iMax = \strlen($gitignorePattern); for ($i = 0; $i < $iMax; ++$i) { $doubleChars = substr($gitignorePattern, $i, 2); if ('**' === $doubleChars) { $regex .= '.+'; ++$i; continue; } $c = $gitignorePattern[$i]; switch ($c) { case '*': $regex .= '[^\/]+'; break; case '/': case '.': case ':': case '(': case ')': case '{': case '}': $regex .= '\\'.$c; break; default: $regex .= $c; } } $regex .= '($|\/)'; $regex .= ')'; return $regex; } }