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stripParentheses($expression); $echo = "make({$expression}, \Illuminate\Support\Arr::except(get_defined_vars(), ['__data', '__path']))->render(); ?>"; $this->footer[] = $echo; return ''; } /** * Compile the section statements into valid PHP. * * @param string $expression * @return string */ protected function compileSection($expression) { $this->lastSection = trim($expression, "()'\" "); return "startSection{$expression}; ?>"; } /** * Replace the @parent directive to a placeholder. * * @return string */ protected function compileParent() { return ViewFactory::parentPlaceholder($this->lastSection ?: ''); } /** * Compile the yield statements into valid PHP. * * @param string $expression * @return string */ protected function compileYield($expression) { return "yieldContent{$expression}; ?>"; } /** * Compile the show statements into valid PHP. * * @return string */ protected function compileShow() { return 'yieldSection(); ?>'; } /** * Compile the append statements into valid PHP. * * @return string */ protected function compileAppend() { return 'appendSection(); ?>'; } /** * Compile the overwrite statements into valid PHP. * * @return string */ protected function compileOverwrite() { return 'stopSection(true); ?>'; } /** * Compile the stop statements into valid PHP. * * @return string */ protected function compileStop() { return 'stopSection(); ?>'; } /** * Compile the end-section statements into valid PHP. * * @return string */ protected function compileEndsection() { return 'stopSection(); ?>'; } }