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<!-- 🛑 DON'T REMOVE ME. This issue template apply to all - bug reports, - feature proposals, - and documentation requests Having all those informations will allow us to know exactly what you expect and answer you faster and precisely (answer that matches your Carbon version, PHP version and usage). Note: Comments between <!- - and - -> won't appear in the final issue (See [Preview] tab). --> Hello, I encountered an issue with the following code: ```php echo Carbon::parse('2018-06-01')->subDay()->month; ``` Carbon version: **PUT HERE YOUR CARBON VERSION (exact version, not the range)** PHP version: **PUT HERE YOUR PHP VERSION** <!-- Run the command `composer show nesbot/carbon` to get "versions" Use `echo phpversion();` to get PHP version. Some issues can depends on your context, settings, macros, timezone, language. So to be sure the code you give is enough to reproduce your bug, try it first in: https://try-carbon.herokuapp.com/?theme=xcode&export&embed You can use the [Options] button to change the version then when you get the bug with this editor, you can use the [Export] button, copy the link of the opened tab, then paste it in the issue. Then we can immediatly get your issue. --> I expected to get: ``` 6 ``` <!-- Always give your expectations. Each use has their owns. You may want daylight saving time to be taken into account, someone else want it to be ignored. You may want timezone to be used in comparisons, someone else may not, etc. --> But I actually get: ``` 5 ``` <!-- If you did not succeed to get the same result in https://try-carbon.herokuapp.com/ then precise the result you get. --> Thanks!