Vous êtes connecté en tant que anonymous Se Deconnecter
 require CONFIG_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "authentification-config-example.php";
 try {
     //Feed configuration array to Hybridauth
     $hybridauth = new \Hybridauth\Hybridauth($config);
     //Then we can proceed and sign in with Twitter as an example. If you want to use a diffirent provider,
     //simply replace 'Twitter' with 'Google' or 'Facebook'.
     //Attempt to authenticate users with a Twitter provider
     $adapter = $hybridauth->authenticate('Twitter');
     //Returns a boolean of whether the user is connected with Twitter
     $isConnected = $adapter->isConnected();
     if ($isConnected == false) {
         //Attempt to authenticate users with a Google provider
         $adapter = $hybridauth->authenticate('Google');
         $isConnected = $adapter->isConnected();
     if ($isConnected == false) {
         //Attempt to authenticate users with a Facebook provider
         $adapter = $hybridauth->authenticate('Facebook');
         $isConnected = $adapter->isConnected();
     if ($isConnected == false) {
         //Attempt to authenticate users with a Github provider
         $adapter = $hybridauth->authenticate('Github');
         $isConnected = $adapter->isConnected();
     if ($isConnected) {
         //Retrieve the user's token
         $token = $adapter->getAccessToken();
         $_SESSION['accessToken'] = $token;
         //Retrieve the user's profile
         $userProfile = $adapter->getUserProfile();
         $_SESSION['userProfile'] = $userProfile;
         //Disconnect the adapter
         header("location:" . Url::link_rewrite(false, 'compte', []));
     } else {
         header("location:" . Url::link_rewrite(false, 'error', []));
 } catch (\Exception $e) {
     echo 'Oops, we ran into an issue! ' . $e->getMessage();