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 <?php declare(strict_types=1);
  * Part of Windwalker project.
  * @copyright  Copyright (C) 2019 LYRASOFT.
  * @license    LGPL-2.0-or-later
 namespace Windwalker\Renderer;
 use Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher;
 use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
 use Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler;
 use Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine;
 use Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver;
 use Illuminate\View\Factory as BladeEnvironment;
 use Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder;
 use Windwalker\Renderer\Blade\BladeExtending;
 use Windwalker\Renderer\Blade\GlobalContainer;
  * The BladeRenderer class.
  * @since  2.0
 class BladeRenderer extends AbstractEngineRenderer
      * Property blade.
      * @var  BladeEnvironment
     protected $engine = null;
      * Property filesystem.
      * @var Filesystem
     protected $filesystem;
      * Property finder.
      * @var FileViewFinder
     protected $finder;
      * Property resolver.
      * @var EngineResolver
     protected $resolver;
      * Property dispatcher.
      * @var Dispatcher
     protected $dispatcher;
      * Property compiler.
      * @var CompilerEngine
     protected $compiler;
      * Property customCompiler.
      * @var  callable[]
     protected $customCompilers = [];
      * render
      * @param string $file
      * @param array  $data
      * @return  string
     public function render($file, $data = [])
         if ($data instanceof \Traversable) {
             $data = iterator_to_array($data);
         if (is_object($data)) {
             $data = get_object_vars($data);
         return $this->getEngine()->make($file, (array) $data)->render();
      * Method to get property Blade
      * @param bool $new
      * @return  BladeEnvironment
     public function getEngine($new = false)
         if (!$this->engine || $new) {
             $this->engine = new BladeEnvironment($this->getResolver(), $this->getFinder(), $this->getDispatcher());
             /** @var BladeCompiler $bladeCompiler */
             $bladeCompiler = $this->getCompiler()->getCompiler();
             foreach (GlobalContainer::getCompilers() as $name => $callback) {
                 BladeExtending::extend($bladeCompiler, $name, $callback);
             foreach ($this->getCustomCompilers() as $name => $callback) {
                 BladeExtending::extend($bladeCompiler, $name, $callback);
             foreach (GlobalContainer::getExtensions() as $name => $callback) {
             // B/C for 4.* and 5.*
             if (($rawTags = GlobalContainer::getRawTags()) && is_callable([$bladeCompiler, 'setRawTags'])) {
                 $bladeCompiler->setRawTags($rawTags[0], $rawTags[1]);
             if ($tags = GlobalContainer::getContentTags()) {
                 $bladeCompiler->setContentTags($tags[0], $tags[1]);
             if ($tags = GlobalContainer::getEscapedTags()) {
                 $bladeCompiler->setEscapedContentTags($tags[0], $tags[1]);
         return $this->engine;
      * Method to set property blade
      * @param   BladeEnvironment $blade
      * @return  static  Return self to support chaining.
     public function setEngine($blade)
         if (!($blade instanceof BladeEnvironment)) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Engine object should be Illuminate\View\Environment.');
         $this->engine = $blade;
         return $this;
      * Method to get property Filesystem
      * @return  Filesystem
     public function getFilesystem()
         if (!$this->filesystem) {
             $this->filesystem = new Filesystem();
         return $this->filesystem;
      * Method to set property filesystem
      * @param   Filesystem $filesystem
      * @return  static  Return self to support chaining.
     public function setFilesystem($filesystem)
         $this->filesystem = $filesystem;
         return $this;
      * Method to get property Finder
      * @return  FileViewFinder
     public function getFinder()
         if (!$this->finder) {
             $this->finder = new FileViewFinder($this->getFilesystem(), $this->dumpPaths());
         return $this->finder;
      * Method to set property finder
      * @param   FileViewFinder $finder
      * @return  static  Return self to support chaining.
     public function setFinder($finder)
         $this->finder = $finder;
         return $this;
      * Method to get property Resolver
      * @return  EngineResolver
     public function getResolver()
         if (!$this->resolver) {
             $self = $this;
             $this->resolver = new EngineResolver();
                 function () use ($self) {
                     return $self->getCompiler();
         return $this->resolver;
      * Method to set property resolver
      * @param   EngineResolver $resolver
      * @return  static  Return self to support chaining.
     public function setResolver($resolver)
         $this->resolver = $resolver;
         return $this;
      * Method to get property Dispatcher
      * @return  Dispatcher
     public function getDispatcher()
         if (!$this->dispatcher) {
             $this->dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
         return $this->dispatcher;
      * Method to set property dispatcher
      * @param   Dispatcher $dispatcher
      * @return  static  Return self to support chaining.
     public function setDispatcher($dispatcher)
         $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher;
         return $this;
      * Method to get property Compiler
      * @return  CompilerEngine
     public function getCompiler()
         if (!$this->compiler) {
             $cachePath = $this->config->get('cache_path') ?: GlobalContainer::getCachePath();
             if (!$cachePath) {
                 throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Please set cache_path into config.');
             if (!is_dir($cachePath)) {
                 mkdir($cachePath, 0755, true);
             $this->compiler = new CompilerEngine(new BladeCompiler($this->getFilesystem(), $cachePath));
         return $this->compiler;
      * Method to set property compiler
      * @param   CompilerEngine $compiler
      * @return  static  Return self to support chaining.
     public function setCompiler($compiler)
         $this->compiler = $compiler;
         return $this;
      * addCustomCompiler
      * @param   string   $name
      * @param   callable $compiler
      * @return  static
     public function addCustomCompiler($name, $compiler)
         if (!is_callable($compiler)) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Compiler should be callable.');
         $this->customCompilers[$name] = $compiler;
         return $this;
      * Method to get property CustomCompiler
      * @return  \callable[]
     public function getCustomCompilers()
         return $this->customCompilers;
      * Method to set property customCompiler
      * @param   \callable[] $customCompilers
      * @return  static  Return self to support chaining.
     public function setCustomCompilers(array $customCompilers)
         $this->customCompilers = $customCompilers;
         return $this;