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  * This file is part of the Symfony package.
  * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
  * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
  * file that was distributed with this source code.
 namespace Symfony\Contracts\Translation;
  * @author Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 interface TranslatorInterface
      * Translates the given message.
      * When a number is provided as a parameter named "%count%", the message is parsed for plural
      * forms and a translation is chosen according to this number using the following rules:
      * Given a message with different plural translations separated by a
      * pipe (|), this method returns the correct portion of the message based
      * on the given number, locale and the pluralization rules in the message
      * itself.
      * The message supports two different types of pluralization rules:
      * interval: {0} There are no apples|{1} There is one apple|]1,Inf] There are %count% apples
      * indexed:  There is one apple|There are %count% apples
      * The indexed solution can also contain labels (e.g. one: There is one apple).
      * This is purely for making the translations more clear - it does not
      * affect the functionality.
      * The two methods can also be mixed:
      *     {0} There are no apples|one: There is one apple|more: There are %count% apples
      * An interval can represent a finite set of numbers:
      *  {1,2,3,4}
      * An interval can represent numbers between two numbers:
      *  [1, +Inf]
      *  ]-1,2[
      * The left delimiter can be [ (inclusive) or ] (exclusive).
      * The right delimiter can be [ (exclusive) or ] (inclusive).
      * Beside numbers, you can use -Inf and +Inf for the infinite.
      * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_31-11
      * @param string      $id         The message id (may also be an object that can be cast to string)
      * @param array       $parameters An array of parameters for the message
      * @param string|null $domain     The domain for the message or null to use the default
      * @param string|null $locale     The locale or null to use the default
      * @return string The translated string
      * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the locale contains invalid characters
     public function trans($id, array $parameters = [], $domain = null, $locale = null);