Vous êtes connecté en tant que anonymous Se Deconnecter
 namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades;
  * @method static string getName()
  * @method static string getId()
  * @method static void setId(string $id)
  * @method static bool start()
  * @method static bool save()
  * @method static array all()
  * @method static bool exists(string|array $key)
  * @method static bool has(string|array $key)
  * @method static mixed get(string $key, $default = null)
  * @method static mixed pull(string $key, $default = null)
  * @method static void put(string|array $key, $value = null)
  * @method static string token()
  * @method static mixed remove(string $key)
  * @method static void forget(string|array $keys)
  * @method static void flush()
  * @method static bool migrate(bool $destroy = false)
  * @method static bool isStarted()
  * @method static string|null previousUrl()
  * @method static void setPreviousUrl(string $url)
  * @method static \SessionHandlerInterface getHandler()
  * @method static bool handlerNeedsRequest()
  * @method static void setRequestOnHandler(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
  * @see \Illuminate\Session\SessionManager
  * @see \Illuminate\Session\Store
 class Session extends Facade
      * Get the registered name of the component.
      * @return string
     protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
         return 'session';