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  * This file is part of the Carbon package.
  * (c) Brian Nesbitt <brian@nesbot.com>
  * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
  * file that was distributed with this source code.
 namespace Carbon;
 use BadMethodCallException;
 use Carbon\Exceptions\NotAPeriodException;
 use Carbon\Traits\Options;
 use Closure;
 use Countable;
 use DateInterval;
 use DatePeriod;
 use DateTime;
 use DateTimeInterface;
 use InvalidArgumentException;
 use Iterator;
 use ReflectionClass;
 use ReflectionMethod;
 use RuntimeException;
  * Substitution of DatePeriod with some modifications and many more features.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod start($date, $inclusive = null) Create instance specifying start date.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod since($date, $inclusive = null) Alias for start().
  * @method static CarbonPeriod sinceNow($inclusive = null) Create instance with start date set to now.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod end($date = null, $inclusive = null) Create instance specifying end date.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod until($date = null, $inclusive = null) Alias for end().
  * @method static CarbonPeriod untilNow($inclusive = null) Create instance with end date set to now.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod dates($start, $end = null) Create instance with start and end date.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod between($start, $end = null) Create instance with start and end date.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod recurrences($recurrences = null) Create instance with maximum number of recurrences.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod times($recurrences = null) Alias for recurrences().
  * @method static CarbonPeriod options($options = null) Create instance with options.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod toggle($options, $state = null) Create instance with options toggled on or off.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod filter($callback, $name = null) Create instance with filter added to the stack.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod push($callback, $name = null) Alias for filter().
  * @method static CarbonPeriod prepend($callback, $name = null) Create instance with filter prepened to the stack.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod filters(array $filters) Create instance with filters stack.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod interval($interval) Create instance with given date interval.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod each($interval) Create instance with given date interval.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod every($interval) Create instance with given date interval.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod step($interval) Create instance with given date interval.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod stepBy($interval) Create instance with given date interval.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod invert() Create instance with inverted date interval.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod years($years = 1) Create instance specifying a number of years for date interval.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod year($years = 1) Alias for years().
  * @method static CarbonPeriod months($months = 1) Create instance specifying a number of months for date interval.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod month($months = 1) Alias for months().
  * @method static CarbonPeriod weeks($weeks = 1) Create instance specifying a number of weeks for date interval.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod week($weeks = 1) Alias for weeks().
  * @method static CarbonPeriod days($days = 1) Create instance specifying a number of days for date interval.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod dayz($days = 1) Alias for days().
  * @method static CarbonPeriod day($days = 1) Alias for days().
  * @method static CarbonPeriod hours($hours = 1) Create instance specifying a number of hours for date interval.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod hour($hours = 1) Alias for hours().
  * @method static CarbonPeriod minutes($minutes = 1) Create instance specifying a number of minutes for date interval.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod minute($minutes = 1) Alias for minutes().
  * @method static CarbonPeriod seconds($seconds = 1) Create instance specifying a number of seconds for date interval.
  * @method static CarbonPeriod second($seconds = 1) Alias for seconds().
  * @method CarbonPeriod start($date, $inclusive = null) Change the period start date.
  * @method CarbonPeriod since($date, $inclusive = null) Alias for start().
  * @method CarbonPeriod sinceNow($inclusive = null) Change the period start date to now.
  * @method CarbonPeriod end($date = null, $inclusive = null) Change the period end date.
  * @method CarbonPeriod until($date = null, $inclusive = null) Alias for end().
  * @method CarbonPeriod untilNow($inclusive = null) Change the period end date to now.
  * @method CarbonPeriod dates($start, $end = null) Change the period start and end date.
  * @method CarbonPeriod recurrences($recurrences = null) Change the maximum number of recurrences.
  * @method CarbonPeriod times($recurrences = null) Alias for recurrences().
  * @method CarbonPeriod options($options = null) Change the period options.
  * @method CarbonPeriod toggle($options, $state = null) Toggle given options on or off.
  * @method CarbonPeriod filter($callback, $name = null) Add a filter to the stack.
  * @method CarbonPeriod push($callback, $name = null) Alias for filter().
  * @method CarbonPeriod prepend($callback, $name = null) Prepend a filter to the stack.
  * @method CarbonPeriod filters(array $filters = []) Set filters stack.
  * @method CarbonPeriod interval($interval) Change the period date interval.
  * @method CarbonPeriod invert() Invert the period date interval.
  * @method CarbonPeriod years($years = 1) Set the years portion of the date interval.
  * @method CarbonPeriod year($years = 1) Alias for years().
  * @method CarbonPeriod months($months = 1) Set the months portion of the date interval.
  * @method CarbonPeriod month($months = 1) Alias for months().
  * @method CarbonPeriod weeks($weeks = 1) Set the weeks portion of the date interval.
  * @method CarbonPeriod week($weeks = 1) Alias for weeks().
  * @method CarbonPeriod days($days = 1) Set the days portion of the date interval.
  * @method CarbonPeriod dayz($days = 1) Alias for days().
  * @method CarbonPeriod day($days = 1) Alias for days().
  * @method CarbonPeriod hours($hours = 1) Set the hours portion of the date interval.
  * @method CarbonPeriod hour($hours = 1) Alias for hours().
  * @method CarbonPeriod minutes($minutes = 1) Set the minutes portion of the date interval.
  * @method CarbonPeriod minute($minutes = 1) Alias for minutes().
  * @method CarbonPeriod seconds($seconds = 1) Set the seconds portion of the date interval.
  * @method CarbonPeriod second($seconds = 1) Alias for seconds().
 class CarbonPeriod implements Iterator, Countable
     use Options;
      * Built-in filters.
      * @var string
     const RECURRENCES_FILTER = 'Carbon\CarbonPeriod::filterRecurrences';
     const END_DATE_FILTER = 'Carbon\CarbonPeriod::filterEndDate';
      * Special value which can be returned by filters to end iteration. Also a filter.
      * @var string
     const END_ITERATION = 'Carbon\CarbonPeriod::endIteration';
      * Available options.
      * @var int
     const EXCLUDE_START_DATE = 1;
     const EXCLUDE_END_DATE = 2;
     const IMMUTABLE = 4;
      * Number of maximum attempts before giving up on finding next valid date.
      * @var int
     const NEXT_MAX_ATTEMPTS = 1000;
      * The registered macros.
      * @var array
     protected static $macros = [];
      * Date class of iteration items.
      * @var string
     protected $dateClass = Carbon::class;
      * Underlying date interval instance. Always present, one day by default.
      * @var CarbonInterval
     protected $dateInterval;
      * Whether current date interval was set by default.
      * @var bool
     protected $isDefaultInterval;
      * The filters stack.
      * @var array
     protected $filters = [];
      * Period start date. Applied on rewind. Always present, now by default.
      * @var CarbonInterface
     protected $startDate;
      * Period end date. For inverted interval should be before the start date. Applied via a filter.
      * @var CarbonInterface|null
     protected $endDate;
      * Limit for number of recurrences. Applied via a filter.
      * @var int|null
     protected $recurrences;
      * Iteration options.
      * @var int
     protected $options;
      * Index of current date. Always sequential, even if some dates are skipped by filters.
      * Equal to null only before the first iteration.
      * @var int
     protected $key;
      * Current date. May temporarily hold unaccepted value when looking for a next valid date.
      * Equal to null only before the first iteration.
      * @var CarbonInterface
     protected $current;
      * Timezone of current date. Taken from the start date.
      * @var \DateTimeZone|null
     protected $timezone;
      * The cached validation result for current date.
      * @var bool|string|null
     protected $validationResult;
      * Timezone handler for settings() method.
      * @var mixed
     protected $tzName;
      * Make a CarbonPeriod instance from given variable if possible.
      * @param mixed $var
      * @return static|null
     public static function make($var)
         try {
             return static::instance($var);
         } catch (NotAPeriodException $e) {
             return static::create($var);
      * Create a new instance from a DatePeriod or CarbonPeriod object.
      * @param CarbonPeriod|DatePeriod $period
      * @return static
     public static function instance($period)
         if ($period instanceof self) {
             return $period->copy();
         if ($period instanceof DatePeriod) {
             return new static(
                 $period->end ?: $period->recurrences,
                 $period->include_start_date ? 0 : static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE
         $class = get_called_class();
         $type = gettype($period);
         throw new NotAPeriodException(
             'Argument 1 passed to '.$class.'::'.__METHOD__.'() '.
             'must be an instance of DatePeriod or '.$class.', '.
             ($type === 'object' ? 'instance of '.get_class($period) : $type).' given.'
      * Get a copy of the instance.
      * @return static
     public function copy()
         return clone $this;
      * @alias copy
      * Get a copy of the instance.
      * @return static
     public function clone()
         return clone $this;
      * Create a new instance.
      * @return static
     public static function create(...$params)
         return static::createFromArray($params);
      * Create a new instance from an array of parameters.
      * @param array $params
      * @return static
     public static function createFromArray(array $params)
         return new static(...$params);
      * Create CarbonPeriod from ISO 8601 string.
      * @param string   $iso
      * @param int|null $options
      * @return static
     public static function createFromIso($iso, $options = null)
         $params = static::parseIso8601($iso);
         $instance = static::createFromArray($params);
         if ($options !== null) {
         return $instance;
      * Return whether given interval contains non zero value of any time unit.
      * @param \DateInterval $interval
      * @return bool
     protected static function intervalHasTime(DateInterval $interval)
         return $interval->h || $interval->i || $interval->s || $interval->f;
      * Return whether given variable is an ISO 8601 specification.
      * Note: Check is very basic, as actual validation will be done later when parsing.
      * We just want to ensure that variable is not any other type of a valid parameter.
      * @param mixed $var
      * @return bool
     protected static function isIso8601($var)
         if (!is_string($var)) {
             return false;
         // Match slash but not within a timezone name.
         $part = '[a-z]+(?:[_-][a-z]+)*';
         preg_match("#\b$part/$part\b|(/)#i", $var, $match);
         return isset($match[1]);
      * Parse given ISO 8601 string into an array of arguments.
      * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ElseExpression)
      * @param string $iso
      * @return array
     protected static function parseIso8601($iso)
         $result = [];
         $interval = null;
         $start = null;
         $end = null;
         foreach (explode('/', $iso) as $key => $part) {
             if ($key === 0 && preg_match('/^R([0-9]*)$/', $part, $match)) {
                 $parsed = strlen($match[1]) ? (int) $match[1] : null;
             } elseif ($interval === null && $parsed = CarbonInterval::make($part)) {
                 $interval = $part;
             } elseif ($start === null && $parsed = Carbon::make($part)) {
                 $start = $part;
             } elseif ($end === null && $parsed = Carbon::make(static::addMissingParts($start, $part))) {
                 $end = $part;
             } else {
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid ISO 8601 specification: $iso.");
             $result[] = $parsed;
         return $result;
      * Add missing parts of the target date from the soure date.
      * @param string $source
      * @param string $target
      * @return string
     protected static function addMissingParts($source, $target)
         $pattern = '/'.preg_replace('/[0-9]+/', '[0-9]+', preg_quote($target, '/')).'$/';
         $result = preg_replace($pattern, $target, $source, 1, $count);
         return $count ? $result : $target;
      * Register a custom macro.
      * @example
      * ```
      * CarbonPeriod::macro('middle', function () {
      *   return $this->getStartDate()->average($this->getEndDate());
      * });
      * echo CarbonPeriod::since('2011-05-12')->until('2011-06-03')->middle();
      * ```
      * @param string          $name
      * @param object|callable $macro
      * @return void
     public static function macro($name, $macro)
         static::$macros[$name] = $macro;
      * Register macros from a mixin object.
      * @example
      * ```
      * CarbonPeriod::mixin(new class {
      *   public function addDays() {
      *     return function ($count = 1) {
      *       return $this->setStartDate(
      *         $this->getStartDate()->addDays($count)
      *       )->setEndDate(
      *         $this->getEndDate()->addDays($count)
      *       );
      *     };
      *   }
      *   public function subDays() {
      *     return function ($count = 1) {
      *       return $this->setStartDate(
      *         $this->getStartDate()->subDays($count)
      *       )->setEndDate(
      *         $this->getEndDate()->subDays($count)
      *       );
      *     };
      *   }
      * });
      * echo CarbonPeriod::create('2000-01-01', '2000-02-01')->addDays(5)->subDays(3);
      * ```
      * @param object $mixin
      * @throws \ReflectionException
      * @return void
     public static function mixin($mixin)
         $reflection = new ReflectionClass($mixin);
         $methods = $reflection->getMethods(
             ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC | ReflectionMethod::IS_PROTECTED
         foreach ($methods as $method) {
             static::macro($method->name, $method->invoke($mixin));
      * Check if macro is registered.
      * @param string $name
      * @return bool
     public static function hasMacro($name)
         return isset(static::$macros[$name]);
      * Provide static proxy for instance aliases.
      * @param string $method
      * @param array  $parameters
      * @return mixed
     public static function __callStatic($method, $parameters)
         return (new static)->$method(...$parameters);
      * CarbonPeriod constructor.
      * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ElseExpression)
      * @throws InvalidArgumentException
     public function __construct(...$arguments)
         // Parse and assign arguments one by one. First argument may be an ISO 8601 spec,
         // which will be first parsed into parts and then processed the same way.
         if (count($arguments) && static::isIso8601($iso = $arguments[0])) {
             array_splice($arguments, 0, 1, static::parseIso8601($iso));
         foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
             if ($this->dateInterval === null &&
                     is_string($argument) && preg_match('/^(\d.*|P[T0-9].*|(?:\h*\d+(?:\.\d+)?\h*[a-z]+)+)$/i', $argument) ||
                     $argument instanceof DateInterval
                 ) &&
                 $parsed = @CarbonInterval::make($argument)
             ) {
             } elseif ($this->startDate === null && $parsed = Carbon::make($argument)) {
             } elseif ($this->endDate === null && $parsed = Carbon::make($argument)) {
             } elseif ($this->recurrences === null && $this->endDate === null && is_numeric($argument)) {
             } elseif ($this->options === null && (is_int($argument) || $argument === null)) {
             } else {
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid constructor parameters.');
         if ($this->startDate === null) {
         if ($this->dateInterval === null) {
             $this->isDefaultInterval = true;
         if ($this->options === null) {
      * Return whether given callable is a string pointing to one of Carbon's is* methods
      * and should be automatically converted to a filter callback.
      * @param callable $callable
      * @return bool
     protected function isCarbonPredicateMethod($callable)
         return is_string($callable) && substr($callable, 0, 2) === 'is' && (method_exists($this->dateClass, $callable) || call_user_func([$this->dateClass, 'hasMacro'], $callable));
      * Set the iteration item class.
      * @param string $dateClass
      * @return $this
     public function setDateClass(string $dateClass)
         if (!is_a($dateClass, CarbonInterface::class, true)) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
                 'Given class does not implement %s: %s',
         $this->dateClass = $dateClass;
         if (is_a($dateClass, Carbon::class, true)) {
             $this->toggleOptions(static::IMMUTABLE, false);
         } elseif (is_a($dateClass, CarbonImmutable::class, true)) {
             $this->toggleOptions(static::IMMUTABLE, true);
         return $this;
      * Returns iteration item date class.
      * @return string
     public function getDateClass(): string
         return $this->dateClass;
      * Change the period date interval.
      * @param DateInterval|string $interval
      * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
      * @return $this
     public function setDateInterval($interval)
         if (!$interval = CarbonInterval::make($interval)) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid interval.');
         if ($interval->spec() === 'PT0S' && !$interval->f) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('Empty interval is not accepted.');
         $this->dateInterval = $interval;
         $this->isDefaultInterval = false;
         return $this;
      * Invert the period date interval.
      * @return $this
     public function invertDateInterval()
         $interval = $this->dateInterval->invert();
         return $this->setDateInterval($interval);
      * Set start and end date.
      * @param DateTime|DateTimeInterface|string      $start
      * @param DateTime|DateTimeInterface|string|null $end
      * @return $this
     public function setDates($start, $end)
         return $this;
      * Change the period options.
      * @param int|null $options
      * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
      * @return $this
     public function setOptions($options)
         if (!is_int($options) && !is_null($options)) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid options.');
         $this->options = $options ?: 0;
         return $this;
      * Get the period options.
      * @return int
     public function getOptions()
         return $this->options;
      * Toggle given options on or off.
      * @param int       $options
      * @param bool|null $state
      * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
      * @return $this
     public function toggleOptions($options, $state = null)
         if ($state === null) {
             $state = ($this->options & $options) !== $options;
         return $this->setOptions(
             $state ?
             $this->options | $options :
             $this->options & ~$options
      * Toggle EXCLUDE_START_DATE option.
      * @param bool $state
      * @return $this
     public function excludeStartDate($state = true)
         return $this->toggleOptions(static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE, $state);
      * Toggle EXCLUDE_END_DATE option.
      * @param bool $state
      * @return $this
     public function excludeEndDate($state = true)
         return $this->toggleOptions(static::EXCLUDE_END_DATE, $state);
      * Get the underlying date interval.
      * @return CarbonInterval
     public function getDateInterval()
         return $this->dateInterval->copy();
      * Get start date of the period.
      * @return CarbonInterface
     public function getStartDate()
         return $this->startDate->copy();
      * Get end date of the period.
      * @return CarbonInterface|null
     public function getEndDate()
         return $this->endDate ? $this->endDate->copy() : null;
      * Get number of recurrences.
      * @return int|null
     public function getRecurrences()
         return $this->recurrences;
      * Returns true if the start date should be excluded.
      * @return bool
     public function isStartExcluded()
         return ($this->options & static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE) !== 0;
      * Returns true if the end date should be excluded.
      * @return bool
     public function isEndExcluded()
         return ($this->options & static::EXCLUDE_END_DATE) !== 0;
      * Add a filter to the stack.
      * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
      * @param callable $callback
      * @param string   $name
      * @return $this
     public function addFilter($callback, $name = null)
         $tuple = $this->createFilterTuple(func_get_args());
         $this->filters[] = $tuple;
         return $this;
      * Prepend a filter to the stack.
      * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
      * @param callable $callback
      * @param string   $name
      * @return $this
     public function prependFilter($callback, $name = null)
         $tuple = $this->createFilterTuple(func_get_args());
         array_unshift($this->filters, $tuple);
         return $this;
      * Create a filter tuple from raw parameters.
      * Will create an automatic filter callback for one of Carbon's is* methods.
      * @param array $parameters
      * @return array
     protected function createFilterTuple(array $parameters)
         $method = array_shift($parameters);
         if (!$this->isCarbonPredicateMethod($method)) {
             return [$method, array_shift($parameters)];
         return [function ($date) use ($method, $parameters) {
             return call_user_func_array([$date, $method], $parameters);
         }, $method];
      * Remove a filter by instance or name.
      * @param callable|string $filter
      * @return $this
     public function removeFilter($filter)
         $key = is_callable($filter) ? 0 : 1;
         $this->filters = array_values(array_filter(
             function ($tuple) use ($key, $filter) {
                 return $tuple[$key] !== $filter;
         return $this;
      * Return whether given instance or name is in the filter stack.
      * @param callable|string $filter
      * @return bool
     public function hasFilter($filter)
         $key = is_callable($filter) ? 0 : 1;
         foreach ($this->filters as $tuple) {
             if ($tuple[$key] === $filter) {
                 return true;
         return false;
      * Get filters stack.
      * @return array
     public function getFilters()
         return $this->filters;
      * Set filters stack.
      * @param array $filters
      * @return $this
     public function setFilters(array $filters)
         $this->filters = $filters;
         return $this;
      * Reset filters stack.
      * @return $this
     public function resetFilters()
         $this->filters = [];
         if ($this->endDate !== null) {
             $this->filters[] = [static::END_DATE_FILTER, null];
         if ($this->recurrences !== null) {
             $this->filters[] = [static::RECURRENCES_FILTER, null];
         return $this;
      * Update properties after removing built-in filters.
      * @return void
     protected function updateInternalState()
         if (!$this->hasFilter(static::END_DATE_FILTER)) {
             $this->endDate = null;
         if (!$this->hasFilter(static::RECURRENCES_FILTER)) {
             $this->recurrences = null;
      * Add a recurrences filter (set maximum number of recurrences).
      * @param int|null $recurrences
      * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
      * @return $this
     public function setRecurrences($recurrences)
         if (!is_numeric($recurrences) && !is_null($recurrences) || $recurrences < 0) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid number of recurrences.');
         if ($recurrences === null) {
             return $this->removeFilter(static::RECURRENCES_FILTER);
         $this->recurrences = (int) $recurrences;
         if (!$this->hasFilter(static::RECURRENCES_FILTER)) {
             return $this->addFilter(static::RECURRENCES_FILTER);
         return $this;
      * Recurrences filter callback (limits number of recurrences).
      * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
      * @param \Carbon\Carbon $current
      * @param int            $key
      * @return bool|string
     protected function filterRecurrences($current, $key)
         if ($key < $this->recurrences) {
             return true;
         return static::END_ITERATION;
      * Change the period start date.
      * @param DateTime|DateTimeInterface|string $date
      * @param bool|null                         $inclusive
      * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
      * @return $this
     public function setStartDate($date, $inclusive = null)
         if (!$date = call_user_func([$this->dateClass, 'make'], $date)) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid start date.');
         $this->startDate = $date;
         if ($inclusive !== null) {
             $this->toggleOptions(static::EXCLUDE_START_DATE, !$inclusive);
         return $this;
      * Change the period end date.
      * @param DateTime|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date
      * @param bool|null                              $inclusive
      * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
      * @return $this
     public function setEndDate($date, $inclusive = null)
         if (!is_null($date) && !$date = call_user_func([$this->dateClass, 'make'], $date)) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid end date.');
         if (!$date) {
             return $this->removeFilter(static::END_DATE_FILTER);
         $this->endDate = $date;
         if ($inclusive !== null) {
             $this->toggleOptions(static::EXCLUDE_END_DATE, !$inclusive);
         if (!$this->hasFilter(static::END_DATE_FILTER)) {
             return $this->addFilter(static::END_DATE_FILTER);
         return $this;
      * End date filter callback.
      * @param \Carbon\Carbon $current
      * @return bool|string
     protected function filterEndDate($current)
         if (!$this->isEndExcluded() && $current == $this->endDate) {
             return true;
         if ($this->dateInterval->invert ? $current > $this->endDate : $current < $this->endDate) {
             return true;
         return static::END_ITERATION;
      * End iteration filter callback.
      * @return string
     protected function endIteration()
         return static::END_ITERATION;
      * Handle change of the parameters.
     protected function handleChangedParameters()
         if (($this->getOptions() & static::IMMUTABLE) && $this->dateClass === Carbon::class) {
         } elseif (!($this->getOptions() & static::IMMUTABLE) && $this->dateClass === CarbonImmutable::class) {
         $this->validationResult = null;
      * Validate current date and stop iteration when necessary.
      * Returns true when current date is valid, false if it is not, or static::END_ITERATION
      * when iteration should be stopped.
      * @return bool|string
     protected function validateCurrentDate()
         if ($this->current === null) {
         // Check after the first rewind to avoid repeating the initial validation.
         if ($this->validationResult !== null) {
             return $this->validationResult;
         return $this->validationResult = $this->checkFilters();
      * Check whether current value and key pass all the filters.
      * @return bool|string
     protected function checkFilters()
         $current = $this->prepareForReturn($this->current);
         foreach ($this->filters as $tuple) {
             $result = call_user_func(
             if ($result === static::END_ITERATION) {
                 return static::END_ITERATION;
             if (!$result) {
                 return false;
         return true;
      * Prepare given date to be returned to the external logic.
      * @param CarbonInterface $date
      * @return CarbonInterface
     protected function prepareForReturn(CarbonInterface $date)
         $date = call_user_func([$this->dateClass, 'make'], $date);
         if ($this->timezone) {
             $date = $date->setTimezone($this->timezone);
         return $date;
      * Check if the current position is valid.
      * @return bool
     public function valid()
         return $this->validateCurrentDate() === true;
      * Return the current key.
      * @return int|null
     public function key()
         if ($this->valid()) {
             return $this->key;
      * Return the current date.
      * @return CarbonInterface|null
     public function current()
         if ($this->valid()) {
             return $this->prepareForReturn($this->current);
      * Move forward to the next date.
      * @throws \RuntimeException
      * @return void
     public function next()
         if ($this->current === null) {
         if ($this->validationResult !== static::END_ITERATION) {
      * Rewind to the start date.
      * Iterating over a date in the UTC timezone avoids bug during backward DST change.
      * @see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=72255
      * @see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=74274
      * @see https://wiki.php.net/rfc/datetime_and_daylight_saving_time
      * @throws \RuntimeException
      * @return void
     public function rewind()
         $this->key = 0;
         $this->current = call_user_func([$this->dateClass, 'make'], $this->startDate);
         $settings = $this->getSettings();
         $locale = $this->getLocalTranslator()->getLocale();
         if ($locale) {
             $settings['locale'] = $locale;
         $this->timezone = static::intervalHasTime($this->dateInterval) ? $this->current->getTimezone() : null;
         if ($this->timezone) {
             $this->current = $this->current->utc();
         $this->validationResult = null;
         if ($this->isStartExcluded() || $this->validateCurrentDate() === false) {
      * Skip iterations and returns iteration state (false if ended, true if still valid).
      * @param int $count steps number to skip (1 by default)
      * @return bool
     public function skip($count = 1)
         for ($i = $count; $this->valid() && $i > 0; $i--) {
         return $this->valid();
      * Keep incrementing the current date until a valid date is found or the iteration is ended.
      * @throws \RuntimeException
      * @return void
     protected function incrementCurrentDateUntilValid()
         $attempts = 0;
         do {
             $this->current = $this->current->add($this->dateInterval);
             $this->validationResult = null;
             if (++$attempts > static::NEXT_MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
                 throw new RuntimeException('Could not find next valid date.');
         } while ($this->validateCurrentDate() === false);
      * Format the date period as ISO 8601.
      * @return string
     public function toIso8601String()
         $parts = [];
         if ($this->recurrences !== null) {
             $parts[] = 'R'.$this->recurrences;
         $parts[] = $this->startDate->toIso8601String();
         $parts[] = $this->dateInterval->spec();
         if ($this->endDate !== null) {
             $parts[] = $this->endDate->toIso8601String();
         return implode('/', $parts);
      * Convert the date period into a string.
      * @return string
     public function toString()
         $translator = call_user_func([$this->dateClass, 'getTranslator']);
         $parts = [];
         $format = !$this->startDate->isStartOfDay() || $this->endDate && !$this->endDate->isStartOfDay()
             ? 'Y-m-d H:i:s'
             : 'Y-m-d';
         if ($this->recurrences !== null) {
             $parts[] = $this->translate('period_recurrences', [], $this->recurrences, $translator);
         $parts[] = $this->translate('period_interval', [':interval' => $this->dateInterval->forHumans([
             'join' => true,
         ])], null, $translator);
         $parts[] = $this->translate('period_start_date', [':date' => $this->startDate->rawFormat($format)], null, $translator);
         if ($this->endDate !== null) {
             $parts[] = $this->translate('period_end_date', [':date' => $this->endDate->rawFormat($format)], null, $translator);
         $result = implode(' ', $parts);
         return mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($result, 0, 1)).mb_substr($result, 1);
      * Format the date period as ISO 8601.
      * @return string
     public function spec()
         return $this->toIso8601String();
      * Convert the date period into an array without changing current iteration state.
      * @return array
     public function toArray()
         $state = [
             $this->current ? $this->current->copy() : null,
         $result = iterator_to_array($this);
         ] = $state;
         return $result;
      * Count dates in the date period.
      * @return int
     public function count()
         return count($this->toArray());
      * Return the first date in the date period.
      * @return CarbonInterface|null
     public function first()
         if ($array = $this->toArray()) {
             return $array[0];
      * Return the last date in the date period.
      * @return CarbonInterface|null
     public function last()
         if ($array = $this->toArray()) {
             return $array[count($array) - 1];
      * Call given macro.
      * @param string $name
      * @param array  $parameters
      * @return mixed
     protected function callMacro($name, $parameters)
         $macro = static::$macros[$name];
         if ($macro instanceof Closure) {
             return call_user_func_array($macro->bindTo($this, static::class), $parameters);
         return call_user_func_array($macro, $parameters);
      * Convert the date period into a string.
      * @return string
     public function __toString()
         return $this->toString();
      * Add aliases for setters.
      * CarbonPeriod::days(3)->hours(5)->invert()
      *     ->sinceNow()->until('2010-01-10')
      *     ->filter(...)
      *     ->count()
      * Note: We use magic method to let static and instance aliases with the same names.
      * @param string $method
      * @param array  $parameters
      * @return mixed
     public function __call($method, $parameters)
         if (static::hasMacro($method)) {
             return $this->callMacro($method, $parameters);
         $first = count($parameters) >= 1 ? $parameters[0] : null;
         $second = count($parameters) >= 2 ? $parameters[1] : null;
         switch ($method) {
             case 'start':
             case 'since':
                 return $this->setStartDate($first, $second);
             case 'sinceNow':
                 return $this->setStartDate(new Carbon, $first);
             case 'end':
             case 'until':
                 return $this->setEndDate($first, $second);
             case 'untilNow':
                 return $this->setEndDate(new Carbon, $first);
             case 'dates':
             case 'between':
                 return $this->setDates($first, $second);
             case 'recurrences':
             case 'times':
                 return $this->setRecurrences($first);
             case 'options':
                 return $this->setOptions($first);
             case 'toggle':
                 return $this->toggleOptions($first, $second);
             case 'filter':
             case 'push':
                 return $this->addFilter($first, $second);
             case 'prepend':
                 return $this->prependFilter($first, $second);
             case 'filters':
                 return $this->setFilters($first ?: []);
             case 'interval':
             case 'each':
             case 'every':
             case 'step':
             case 'stepBy':
                 return $this->setDateInterval($first);
             case 'invert':
                 return $this->invertDateInterval();
             case 'years':
             case 'year':
             case 'months':
             case 'month':
             case 'weeks':
             case 'week':
             case 'days':
             case 'dayz':
             case 'day':
             case 'hours':
             case 'hour':
             case 'minutes':
             case 'minute':
             case 'seconds':
             case 'second':
                 return $this->setDateInterval(call_user_func(
                     // Override default P1D when instantiating via fluent setters.
                     [$this->isDefaultInterval ? new CarbonInterval('PT0S') : $this->dateInterval, $method],
                     count($parameters) === 0 ? 1 : $first
         if ($this->localStrictModeEnabled ?? Carbon::isStrictModeEnabled()) {
             throw new BadMethodCallException("Method $method does not exist.");
         return $this;
      * Set the instance's timezone from a string or object and add/subtract the offset difference.
      * @param \DateTimeZone|string $timezone
      * @return static
     public function shiftTimezone($timezone)
         $this->tzName = $timezone;
         $this->timezone = $timezone;
         return $this;
      * Returns the end is set, else calculated from start an recurrences.
      * @return CarbonInterface
     public function calculateEnd()
         if ($end = $this->getEndDate()) {
             return $end;
         $dates = iterator_to_array($this);
         return end($dates);
      * Returns true if the current period overlaps the given one (if 1 parameter passed)
      * or the period between 2 dates (if 2 parameters passed).
      * @param CarbonPeriod|\DateTimeInterface|Carbon|CarbonImmutable|string $rangeOrRangeStart
      * @param \DateTimeInterface|Carbon|CarbonImmutable|string|null         $rangeEnd
      * @return bool
     public function overlaps($rangeOrRangeStart, $rangeEnd = null)
         $range = $rangeEnd ? static::create($rangeOrRangeStart, $rangeEnd) : $rangeOrRangeStart;
         if (!($range instanceof self)) {
             $range = static::create($range);
         return $this->calculateEnd() > $range->getStartDate() && $range->calculateEnd() > $this->getStartDate();
      * Execute a given function on each date of the period.
      * @example
      * ```
      * Carbon::create('2020-11-29')->daysUntil('2020-12-24')->forEach(function (Carbon $date) {
      *   echo $date->diffInDays('2020-12-25')." days before Christmas!\n";
      * });
      * ```
      * @param callable $callback
     public function forEach(callable $callback)
         foreach ($this as $date) {
      * Execute a given function on each date of the period and yield the result of this function.
      * @example
      * ```
      * $period = Carbon::create('2020-11-29')->daysUntil('2020-12-24');
      * echo implode("\n", iterator_to_array($period->map(function (Carbon $date) {
      *   return $date->diffInDays('2020-12-25').' days before Christmas!';
      * })));
      * ```
      * @param callable $callback
      * @return \Generator
     public function map(callable $callback)
         foreach ($this as $date) {
             yield $callback($date);
      * Determines if the instance is equal to another
      * @param mixed $period
      * @see equalTo()
      * @return bool
     public function eq($period): bool
         return $this->equalTo($period);
      * Determines if the instance is equal to another
      * @param mixed $period
      * @return bool
     public function equalTo($period): bool
         if (!($period instanceof self)) {
             $period = self::make($period);
         return $period !== null
             && $this->getDateInterval()->eq($period->getDateInterval())
             && $this->getStartDate()->eq($period->getStartDate())
             && $this->getEndDate()->eq($period->getEndDate())
             && $this->getOptions() === $period->getOptions();
      * Determines if the instance is not equal to another
      * @param mixed $period
      * @see notEqualTo()
      * @return bool
     public function ne($period): bool
         return $this->notEqualTo($period);
      * Determines if the instance is not equal to another
      * @param mixed $period
      * @return bool
     public function notEqualTo($period): bool
         return !$this->eq($period);