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 namespace Illuminate\View\Compilers\Concerns;
 trait CompilesLoops
      * Counter to keep track of nested forelse statements.
      * @var int
     protected $forElseCounter = 0;
      * Compile the for-else statements into valid PHP.
      * @param  string  $expression
      * @return string
     protected function compileForelse($expression)
         $empty = '$__empty_'.++$this->forElseCounter;
         preg_match('/\( *(.*) +as *(.*)\)$/is', $expression, $matches);
         $iteratee = trim($matches[1]);
         $iteration = trim($matches[2]);
         $initLoop = "\$__currentLoopData = {$iteratee}; \$__env->addLoop(\$__currentLoopData);";
         $iterateLoop = '$__env->incrementLoopIndices(); $loop = $__env->getLastLoop();';
         return "<?php {$empty} = true; {$initLoop} foreach(\$__currentLoopData as {$iteration}): {$iterateLoop} {$empty} = false; ?>";
      * Compile the for-else-empty and empty statements into valid PHP.
      * @param  string  $expression
      * @return string
     protected function compileEmpty($expression)
         if ($expression) {
             return "<?php if(empty{$expression}): ?>";
         $empty = '$__empty_'.$this->forElseCounter--;
         return "<?php endforeach; \$__env->popLoop(); \$loop = \$__env->getLastLoop(); if ({$empty}): ?>";
      * Compile the end-for-else statements into valid PHP.
      * @return string
     protected function compileEndforelse()
         return '<?php endif; ?>';
      * Compile the end-empty statements into valid PHP.
      * @return string
     protected function compileEndEmpty()
         return '<?php endif; ?>';
      * Compile the for statements into valid PHP.
      * @param  string  $expression
      * @return string
     protected function compileFor($expression)
         return "<?php for{$expression}: ?>";
      * Compile the for-each statements into valid PHP.
      * @param  string  $expression
      * @return string
     protected function compileForeach($expression)
         preg_match('/\( *(.*) +as *(.*)\)$/is', $expression, $matches);
         $iteratee = trim($matches[1]);
         $iteration = trim($matches[2]);
         $initLoop = "\$__currentLoopData = {$iteratee}; \$__env->addLoop(\$__currentLoopData);";
         $iterateLoop = '$__env->incrementLoopIndices(); $loop = $__env->getLastLoop();';
         return "<?php {$initLoop} foreach(\$__currentLoopData as {$iteration}): {$iterateLoop} ?>";
      * Compile the break statements into valid PHP.
      * @param  string  $expression
      * @return string
     protected function compileBreak($expression)
         if ($expression) {
             preg_match('/\(\s*(-?\d+)\s*\)$/', $expression, $matches);
             return $matches ? '<?php break '.max(1, $matches[1]).'; ?>' : "<?php if{$expression} break; ?>";
         return '<?php break; ?>';
      * Compile the continue statements into valid PHP.
      * @param  string  $expression
      * @return string
     protected function compileContinue($expression)
         if ($expression) {
             preg_match('/\(\s*(-?\d+)\s*\)$/', $expression, $matches);
             return $matches ? '<?php continue '.max(1, $matches[1]).'; ?>' : "<?php if{$expression} continue; ?>";
         return '<?php continue; ?>';
      * Compile the end-for statements into valid PHP.
      * @return string
     protected function compileEndfor()
         return '<?php endfor; ?>';
      * Compile the end-for-each statements into valid PHP.
      * @return string
     protected function compileEndforeach()
         return '<?php endforeach; $__env->popLoop(); $loop = $__env->getLastLoop(); ?>';
      * Compile the while statements into valid PHP.
      * @param  string  $expression
      * @return string
     protected function compileWhile($expression)
         return "<?php while{$expression}: ?>";
      * Compile the end-while statements into valid PHP.
      * @return string
     protected function compileEndwhile()
         return '<?php endwhile; ?>';