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 namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades;
 use Illuminate\Support\DateFactory;
  * @see https://carbon.nesbot.com/docs/
  * @see https://github.com/briannesbitt/Carbon/blob/master/src/Carbon/Factory.php
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon create($year = 0, $month = 1, $day = 1, $hour = 0, $minute = 0, $second = 0, $tz = null)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon createFromDate($year = null, $month = null, $day = null, $tz = null)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon|false createFromFormat($format, $time, $tz = null)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon createFromTime($hour = 0, $minute = 0, $second = 0, $tz = null)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon createFromTimeString($time, $tz = null)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon createFromTimestamp($timestamp, $tz = null)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon createFromTimestampMs($timestamp, $tz = null)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon createFromTimestampUTC($timestamp)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon createMidnightDate($year = null, $month = null, $day = null, $tz = null)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon|false createSafe($year = null, $month = null, $day = null, $hour = null, $minute = null, $second = null, $tz = null)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon disableHumanDiffOption($humanDiffOption)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon enableHumanDiffOption($humanDiffOption)
  * @method static mixed executeWithLocale($locale, $func)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon fromSerialized($value)
  * @method static array getAvailableLocales()
  * @method static array getDays()
  * @method static int getHumanDiffOptions()
  * @method static array getIsoUnits()
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon getLastErrors()
  * @method static string getLocale()
  * @method static int getMidDayAt()
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon getTestNow()
  * @method static \Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface getTranslator()
  * @method static int getWeekEndsAt()
  * @method static int getWeekStartsAt()
  * @method static array getWeekendDays()
  * @method static bool hasFormat($date, $format)
  * @method static bool hasMacro($name)
  * @method static bool hasRelativeKeywords($time)
  * @method static bool hasTestNow()
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon instance($date)
  * @method static bool isImmutable()
  * @method static bool isModifiableUnit($unit)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon isMutable()
  * @method static bool isStrictModeEnabled()
  * @method static bool localeHasDiffOneDayWords($locale)
  * @method static bool localeHasDiffSyntax($locale)
  * @method static bool localeHasDiffTwoDayWords($locale)
  * @method static bool localeHasPeriodSyntax($locale)
  * @method static bool localeHasShortUnits($locale)
  * @method static void macro($name, $macro)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon|null make($var)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon maxValue()
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon minValue()
  * @method static void mixin($mixin)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon now($tz = null)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon parse($time = null, $tz = null)
  * @method static string pluralUnit(string $unit)
  * @method static void resetMonthsOverflow()
  * @method static void resetToStringFormat()
  * @method static void resetYearsOverflow()
  * @method static void serializeUsing($callback)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon setHumanDiffOptions($humanDiffOptions)
  * @method static bool setLocale($locale)
  * @method static void setMidDayAt($hour)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon setTestNow($testNow = null)
  * @method static void setToStringFormat($format)
  * @method static void setTranslator(\Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface $translator)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon setUtf8($utf8)
  * @method static void setWeekEndsAt($day)
  * @method static void setWeekStartsAt($day)
  * @method static void setWeekendDays($days)
  * @method static bool shouldOverflowMonths()
  * @method static bool shouldOverflowYears()
  * @method static string singularUnit(string $unit)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon today($tz = null)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon tomorrow($tz = null)
  * @method static void useMonthsOverflow($monthsOverflow = true)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon useStrictMode($strictModeEnabled = true)
  * @method static void useYearsOverflow($yearsOverflow = true)
  * @method static \Illuminate\Support\Carbon yesterday($tz = null)
 class Date extends Facade
     const DEFAULT_FACADE = DateFactory::class;
      * Get the registered name of the component.
      * @return string
      * @throws \RuntimeException
     protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
         return 'date';
      * Resolve the facade root instance from the container.
      * @param  string  $name
      * @return mixed
     protected static function resolveFacadeInstance($name)
         if (! isset(static::$resolvedInstance[$name]) && ! isset(static::$app, static::$app[$name])) {
             $class = static::DEFAULT_FACADE;
             static::swap(new $class);
         return parent::resolveFacadeInstance($name);