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Browse code

intitial commit to branch nude-framework

git authored on 14/03/2019 10:43:54
Showing 1 changed files
1 1
deleted file mode 100644
... ...
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M436 512H76c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h360c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zM255.579 0c-30.928 0-56 25.072-56 56s25.072 56 56 56 56-25.072 56-56-25.072-56-56-56zm204.568 154.634c-5.768-3.045-12.916-.932-16.082 4.77-8.616 15.516-22.747 37.801-44.065 37.801-28.714 0-30.625-19.804-31.686-57.542-.183-6.492-5.501-11.664-11.995-11.664h-41.006c-5.175 0-9.754 3.328-11.388 8.238-8.89 26.709-26.073 40.992-47.925 40.992s-39.034-14.283-47.925-40.992c-1.634-4.91-6.213-8.238-11.388-8.238h-41.005c-6.495 0-11.813 5.174-11.995 11.667-1.052 37.642-2.934 57.539-31.688 57.539-20.691 0-33.817-20.224-44.425-38.025-3.266-5.48-10.258-7.431-15.899-4.453l-39.179 20.679a12 12 0 0 0-5.51 15.145L112 448h288l105.014-257.448a12 12 0 0 0-5.51-15.145l-39.357-20.773z"/></svg>
2 0
\ No newline at end of file
Browse code

commit initial de la branch template-meny

git authored on 14/03/2019 10:30:11
Showing 1 changed files
1 1
new file mode 100644
... ...
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M436 512H76c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h360c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zM255.579 0c-30.928 0-56 25.072-56 56s25.072 56 56 56 56-25.072 56-56-25.072-56-56-56zm204.568 154.634c-5.768-3.045-12.916-.932-16.082 4.77-8.616 15.516-22.747 37.801-44.065 37.801-28.714 0-30.625-19.804-31.686-57.542-.183-6.492-5.501-11.664-11.995-11.664h-41.006c-5.175 0-9.754 3.328-11.388 8.238-8.89 26.709-26.073 40.992-47.925 40.992s-39.034-14.283-47.925-40.992c-1.634-4.91-6.213-8.238-11.388-8.238h-41.005c-6.495 0-11.813 5.174-11.995 11.667-1.052 37.642-2.934 57.539-31.688 57.539-20.691 0-33.817-20.224-44.425-38.025-3.266-5.48-10.258-7.431-15.899-4.453l-39.179 20.679a12 12 0 0 0-5.51 15.145L112 448h288l105.014-257.448a12 12 0 0 0-5.51-15.145l-39.357-20.773z"/></svg>
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