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$(function () {


      test("should be defined on jquery object", function () {
        var div = $('<div></div>')
        ok(div.popover, 'popover method is defined')

      test("should return element", function () {
        var div = $('<div></div>')
        ok(div.popover() == div, 'document.body returned')

      test("should render popover element", function () {
        $.support.transition = false
        var popover = $('<a href="#" title="mdo" data-content="http://twitter.com/mdo">@mdo</a>')

        ok($('.popover').length, 'popover was inserted')
        ok(!$(".popover").length, 'popover removed')

      test("should store popover instance in popover data object", function () {
        $.support.transition = false
        var popover = $('<a href="#" title="mdo" data-content="http://twitter.com/mdo">@mdo</a>')

        ok(!!popover.data('popover'), 'popover instance exists')

      test("should get title and content from options", function () {
        $.support.transition = false
        var popover = $('<a href="#">@fat</a>')
            title: function () {
              return '@fat'
          , content: function () {
              return 'loves writing tests (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻'


        ok($('.popover').length, 'popover was inserted')
        equals($('.popover .title').text(), '@fat', 'title correctly inserted')
        equals($('.popover .content').text(), 'loves writing tests (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻', 'content correctly inserted')

        ok(!$('.popover').length, 'popover was removed')

      test("should get title and content from attributes", function () {
        $.support.transition = false
        var popover = $('<a href="#" title="@mdo" data-content="loves data attributes (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ ︵ ┻━┻" >@mdo</a>')

        ok($('.popover').length, 'popover was inserted')
        equals($('.popover .title').text(), '@mdo', 'title correctly inserted')
        equals($('.popover .content').text(), "loves data attributes (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ ︵ ┻━┻", 'content correctly inserted')

        ok(!$('.popover').length, 'popover was removed')
